“Then the people rejoiced because they had offered so willingly, for they made their offering to the Lord with a whole heart, and King David also rejoiced greatly.” — 1 Chronicle 29:9


The Lord loves a joyful giver! We greatly appreciate your generous and sacrificial gifts to Ames United Methodist Church.Please know that your gifts undergird the mission and various ministries of the church as well as supporting the community and others who have needs.In addition to giving on Sunday mornings during the traditional worship service, four other options are provided for giving to Ames United Methodist Church. 


Thank you for investing with us through your giving.

Option 1:  Zelle to amesumc112@gmail.com (new)

Option 2:  Click the DONATE button to give!


Option 3:  Mail your gifts.Make check payable to Ames UMC. Address: Ames United Methodist Church / Finance Committee / 112 Baltimore Pike, Bel Air, MD 21014

Option 4: Contact Russell Peyton, Finance Committee at amesumc112@gmail.com or call 410-838-0161 to speak about direct deposits.