2024 Worship Services and Observances
Click on date to view/download service.
Communion is on the 1st Sunday of each month.
- 7/7 - Communion Sunday / Pastor's 8th Anniversary
- 7/14 - "Dragnet"
- 7/21 - "The Light of the Church"
- 7/28 - "How Does Your Light Shine"
- 8/4 - "It's Time for Bread" - Communion Sunday
- 8/11 - "It's Time to be Kind"
- 8/18 - "Rest"
- 8/25 - Church Cookout in the Park with Worship
- 9/1 - "The Righteous Stewardf" - Communion Sunday
- 9/8 - "Jesus 1st Miracle: The Good Stuff" - "Jesus Grandparents' Day
- 9/15
- 9/22 - "Jeus Feeds Four Thousand?"
- 9/29 - "On Your Word Lord, I'll Try Again"
- 10/6 - "Treasures of the Heart" - World Communion Sunday
- 10/13 - Homecoming Sunday
- 10/20 - Laity Sunday
- 10/27 - Pastor Appreciation Sunday
- 11/3 - "Prayer God Hears" - Communion Sunday / All Saint's Sunday
- 11/10 - Men's Day
- 11/17 - "Lord, Teach Us To Pray"
- 11/24 - "How Do You Know God Answers Prayers?" - UM Student Day
- 12/1 - "Jesus Is Conceived" - Communion Sunday / 1st Sunday in Advent
- 12/8 - UWIF Sunday / 2nd Sunday in Advent
- 12/15 - Children's Sunday / 3rd Sunday in Advent
- 12/22 - "John Get's Excited About Jesus" - 4th Sunday in Advent
- 12/29 - "Mary Knows How Powerful Jesus Will Become" - 1st Sunday after Christmas Day
- 1/7 - "Is God Pleased With You?" - Communion Sunday/Baptism of the LORD
- 1/14 - "Are You Hungry?" - Human Relations Day
- 1/21 - "When The Devil Comes Knocking"
- 1/28 - "Invest or Perish"
- 2/4 - "Called to Discipleship" - Communion Sunday
- 2/11 - "Let's Keep It Hush, Hush" - Transfiguration Sunday
- 2/18 - "Another Call Story" - 1st Sunday in Lent
- 2/25 - "From Taker to Giver" - 2nd Sunday in Lent
- 3/3 - "Preparation for the Passover Meal" - Communion Sunday / 3rd Sunday in Lent - Rev. Dr. Maidstone Mulenga, preacher
- 3/10 - "An Example to Follow" - UMCOR Sunday / 4th Sunday in Lent
- 3/17 - 5th Sunday in Lent
- 3/24 - "Who is This?" - Passion/Palm Sunday
- 3/29 - Good Friday Service
- 3/31 - "The Scandal That Exists Today" - Easter Sunday
- 4/7- "Investing in the Kingdom" - Communion Sunday
- 4/14 - Native American Sunday
- 4/21- "The Hour I Believed"
- 4/28 - "Cured of the Demons That Knew Christ"
- 5/5 - "Blessed are the ... (Part I) - Communion Sunday
- 5/12 - "Blessed are the ... (Part II) - Mother's Day/Ascension Sunday
- 5/19 - Church Anniversary / Pentecost Sunday
- 5/26 - "Woe to You and Be Careful" - Trinity Sunday / Peace with Justice Sunday
- 6/2 - Communion Sunday/Women in White Service
- 6/9 - Scholarship Sunday
- 6/16 - "Parables Explained" - Father's Day
- 6/23 - 82nd Women's Day
- 6/23 - Confirmation Ceremony
- 6/30 - "Separating Good From Bad"